康芳华,郭 珺.基于改进模糊AHP 法的水利工程档案管理评价[J].江西水利科技,2022,(4):
基于改进模糊AHP 法的水利工程档案管理评价
Evaluation of file management for water conservancy projects based on improvedfuzzy AHP method
中文关键词: 档案管理  改进模糊AHP 法  综合评价  水利工程
英文关键词: File management  Improved fuzzy AHP method  Comprehensive evaluation  Water conservancy project
康芳华 江西省丰城市水利水电技术服务站 
郭 珺 江西省丰城市水利水电勘测设计室 
摘要点击次数: 196
全文下载次数: 8
      水利工程管理普遍存在重建设轻档案管理的问题,缺少合理的档案管理评价考核方法是主要原因之一。为创新水利工程档案管理手段,针对目前存在的问题,建立由组织机构、管理制度、日常管理、配套设施和档案利用等组成的指标体系,利用改进的模糊AHP 法评价丰城市黄金水库工程档案管理工作。结果显示:该项目档案管理工作得分为71.2 分,档案管理工作合格,但在档案人员培训制度、薪酬制度和档案效益开发方面需要加强改进。
      The current situation of water conservancy project management generally has the problem of emphasizing construction rather than file management, and the lack of reasonable file management evaluation and assessment methods is one of the main reasons. In order to innovate the means of archives management for water conservancy projects, a system consisting of organization, management system, daily management, supporting facilities and archives utilization is established to evaluate the archives management work of Fengcheng Golden Reservoir Project by using the improved fuzzy AHP method for the current problems. The results show that the project's archive management work scored 71.2, which means the work is qualified, but such problems in the aspects of archives staff training system,remuneration system and archive benefit development, need to be improved.
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